Traditional Foods

Organochlorine Concentrations in Burbot (Lota lota) Livers- U.S. Department of Interior (455kb)

American Indian and Alaska Native Cancer Fact Sheet - UCLA Center for Health Policy Research

Alaska Traditional Diet Project Report - Alaska Native Health Board & Alaska Native Epidemiology Center (3.96 MB)

Alaska Native Dietary & Subsistence Food Assessment Project - Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (111KB)

Dietary Benefits and Risks in Alaskan Villages - Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association, Incorporated (91KB)

Alaska Traditional Diet Project - Alaska Native Health Board (62KB)

Awarded EPA Traditional Knowledge & Contaminants Mini-Grants 2002 - Alaska Native Science Commission

Alaska BRIN Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network - University of Alaska Fairbanks

A Prospective Study of Alaska Natives and American Indians - Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Traditional Food Contaminants Testing Projects in Alaska - Alaska Native Health Board

The Cape Romanzof Contaminant Migration & Subsistence Receptor Study - A Cooperative Project with YKHC, USAF, & the Villages of Chevak, Scammon Bay, Paimiut, and Hooper Bay

Fish Monitoring Project - Department of Environmental Conservation

National Park Service & Global Climate Change - US Dept. of Interior National Park Service

Summary of Current Alaska Native Nutrition Research Projects - EDN Nutrition Consulting

Summary of Alaska Nutrition Research Projects Underway at ICHS - Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies - UAA

Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project - US Dept. of Interior National Park Service

Seabird Tissue Archival & Monitoring Project (STAMP) - National Institute of Standards and Technology - Charleston Laboratory

  • STAMP - Bibliography, NIST

  • STAMP - Royal Society of Chemestry, Journal

  • STAMP - POP's found in Alaskan Murre

Persistent organochlorine pollutants in ringed seals and polar bears collected from northern Alaska - The Science of the Total Environment, Journal

Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s), Chlorinated Pesticides, and Heavy Metals and Other Elements in Tissues of Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, from Cook Inlet, Alaska - Marine Fisheries Review

Laboratories - Statement of Qualifications (SOQ)

Mini-Grant Resource Guide -Alaska Native Science Commission
AXYS Analytical Services LTD. SOQ (British Columbia, Canada)
Web Page:

EN CHEM Inc. SOQ. (Madison, Wisconson)
Web Page:

Frontier Geosciences SOQ (Seattle, Washington)
Web Page:

Frontier's References & Past Experence

QC Summary for Trace Metals and Mercury in Tissues (Part A)

Price Schedule of Trace Metals and Mercury In Tissues for the Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association, Inc. (Part B)


© Alaska Native Science Commission | P.O. Box 244305 | Anchorage, Alaska 99524